Alice Cooper In Barcelona

November 27, 2010 at 5:14 pm (Alice Cooper) (, , , , , , , , , , )


One for my Wall, tasty.

It would be crazy to live near Gatwick and not make use of it!  So when I heard Alice was playing in Barcelona we had to go!  It is actually cheaper and quicker to get to Barcelona than it is to get to Scotland and a damn site warmer!  So plan jump on Easyjet and meet friend at Barcelona Airport!  So far so good met up at airport as planned and found bus every 5 mins into Barcelona dropping us off not far from cheap but not too sleazy hotel!  Pass shop on way to hotel for vodka and coke supplies and head to hotel.  Having been to a few Alice gigs this year we had to step up the game!  So this gig we decided on a theme!  Schools Out! Yep the whole hog! Blazers emblazoned with Alice Cooper School’s Out across the back, Alice School badges (all respect to my best friend for finding these and having the blazers printed), school ties and knees socks with fishnet! (Angus would have been proud).

Really asking reception to phone us a taxi you would have thought they had never seen anyone in school uniform before!  What we were told was a 10 min walk up hill turned out to be a 10min taxi trip up a big hill, kinda glade we did not try to walk this one!  (coming home was another story). 

Arrive at gig venue a good 2 hours before gig, luckily this was Spain so sat in sun drinking supplies!  The fact there were no toilets was eventful, I was told they were a 4 min walk away (which again turned out to be a lot further) do Spanish people walk fast or something?!?  

Well anyone in the queue will remember us two crazy Brits dressed as School kids and many mad people wanted photos with us so I guess we are now infamous! 

Once we got in it was straight to the usual front place to hang off the barrier for the next few hours!  Also we for got that the Spanish don’t measure spirits in the way the tight British Government enforce us to so suddenly we found we had drank a little more than was planned!  Ooooooops. 

Which meant it was hilarious afterwards to volt fences and crash parties and chat to all who would talk to us!  The there were also the usual UDIs (Unidentified Drinking Injuries) only we do have a vague recollection of how it happened.  It was something to do with a broken fence, an elbow and a laughing way too much whilst putting all together.   

After that we decided on a nice stroll back to the hotel only we were not sure which way Barcelona was.  Luckily there was a midnight gang of skaters just hanging in the middle of no where, who direted us back via a series of hand signals, neither we spoke their language or us these, or something like that! 

On the out skirts of the city we passed a castle.  Which said ‘Hallo’ yes at 2am it was talking to us! I thought it was the vodka till my friend pointed out it was an intercom! it frightened the life out of us.  I mean a talking castle not really what I was expecting to find!  So we decided to have a chat, the intercom spoke very good English and was very polite but would not show himself.  Boring.  So Mr Intercom if you are reading this, ping us a pic or yourself.  🙂 

And as for the taxi driver on the way home, how many taxi drivers are also ‘masseuse’ well according to Google NONE so how did we find the only ever taxi masseuse, and just so you know we only partook of his taxi service!   But we do have to admit that the whole episode was so funny that we nearly fell out the cab laugh so much we could neither speak nor pay the driver.  Just so you know we did manage to pay but it is hard to see the money due to laughing so much we were nearly crying!  And the poor taxi driver looked so serious about his second job!   

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